List of top marketing blogs every small business owner must visit to learn about various marketing topics, such as inbound marketing, direct marketing, PPC marketing, and more topics on marketing.
This list is updated on a regular basis, and you are more than welcome to suggest your own list of marketing blogs.

Top Marketing Blogs Every Small Business Owner Should Read
Listly by Ivan Widjaya
List of marketing blogs you should read to stay competitive in today's business world.

Google says so; many experts say so; in fact, many web publishers say so. Is that so? Is content really king? No, I don't think so. I used to think that content is king, but not anymore. Who is the king in web publishing today? REPUTATION.

Content marketing tools, tips, and training for online marketers, copywriters, and entrepreneurs. The advice, strategies, and solutions that work.

The Moz inbound marketing and SEO blog provides tips, tricks, and advice for improving websites and doing better search, social, content, and brand marketing.

Charlie Hoehn first reached out to me in 2008 through Ramit Sethi. Shortly thereafter, I hired him as a part-time intern. Eventually, he became a full-time employee. For three years, we worked together on a number of projects, most notably the The 4-Hour Body and the Opening the Kimono event.

Cookies, the tiny bits of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser is at the core of the digital advertisement industry. The way it works is this: Every time you visit a website, your web-browser sends the cookie information back to the server, notifying them of your browsing patterns.

Blogging, Crowdsourcing, EMail Marketing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Marketing Tips and Tools, Networking, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Social Networking, Twitter, Websites

YouTube is magnificent. YouTube is amazing. YouTube is.... wait, let me quantify that. YouTube Marketing and Analytics Framework for Success According to Nielsen, YouTube reaches more US adults ages 18-34 than any cable network as of mid-2013. And rather than just being content you watch, it is content you watch, share and shape.

Six years ago, I wrote about a job of the future, the (online) community organizer. And for a long time, I've been talking about the advantage of picking yourself. It recently occured to me that there's an increasing overlap between the two, and I'll be doing a live event in New York to explore this.

At Digital Marketer we've conducted 1000′s of split tests. Today, we'll show you what we've spent a lot of time and money to learn. These are the background colors, fonts, etc., that have won almost every time in our testing. Here are 43 marketing elements we've tested time and time again, along with the winning variables for [...]

We often explore complex search marketing issues with in-depth analysis & research. To really give a topic the attention that it requires, we will write an entire series of articles that focus on one hot PPC topic. This is where our blog series come in!

HubSpot's online publication of inbound content, attracting over 1.2 million monthly visitors.

I'm an hour or two away from speaking to the board of directors of a major association whose charter is to help small businesses thrive. They want me to speak a bit, but the majority of the value of today will come from them picking my brain about specifics for their organization.

YOUTILITY Why Smart Marketing Is About Help, Not Hype The difference between helping and selling is just two letters. But those two letters are critically important to your company's success. You're not competing for attention only against other, similar products. You're competing for attention against everything.

Now that the Beastie Boys have gone on the offensive for the unlicensed and unauthorized use of their song "Girls", written by Adam Horovitz and Rick Rubin, as used in the Goldieblox viral video campaign to feature their girls toy line . . .
Heidi Cohen

Content Marketing Evolution Charles Darwin was born 205 years ago on February 12, 1809. At the heart of Darwin's theory was the idea that each species adapts to its environment. From this process of change, new species arise. This has implications for content marketers seeking to spread their message; let's call it content marketing evolution.

Marketing is all about increasing brand recognition and bringing in new customers. And while traditional marketing through television, radio, and the internet definitely works, you are missing out on a real opportunity if you aren't involved in your local network of businesses.

Twitter has the RT button and the favorite button. Linkedin has an endorse button, Facebook has a like button and G+ has the plus. I know you "get" what they all do, at least you should, but I have a question for you.

Book Excerpt In this exclusive excerpt from their new book, Moments of Impact, authors Chris Ertel and Lisa Kay Solomon tell the story of Pierre Wack, the oil executive who used the art of conversation to revolutionize Shell. Read on → Sponsorship Sponsoring the Olympics is typically a winning move for brands.

Note from Lee: You know the phrase, kill two birds with one stone? That's what we're doing with this post format and the topic of Hummingbird. Our team at TopRank is known for liveblogging conferences, but this co-created blog format is something new.

In today's MarketingSherpa Blog post, I wanted to share two tactics for moving the relevance dial that you can you can use to aid your own email marketing efforts.
Business & Marketing Blog

Free resources for marketers, from infographics to latest industry trends and ad formats. Try out our free YouTube marketing audit to pit your business against your competitor's video marketing efforts.

This site will teach you how to make a website in just 3 easy to follow steps. There's also lots of really useful resources to help you build traffic.